
Committee Roles

Below are some generic role descriptions for societies’ committee members. Please adapt and add to each role. This requires a bit of planning and communication amongst the committee members as you work out what each of you will be responsible for.

  • The day to day running of the society
  • The scheduling and chairing of the regular committee and society meetings
  • Creating meeting’s agenda 72 hours before the start of the meeting
  • The finances of the society. The President must ensure that the account maintains a healthy balance alongside the Treasurer. The President is accountable in respect to these finances to all members of the society and Pakistan Students Union
  • Ensuring that all Society Committee Elections comply with the constitution and are unbias
  • Hosts the major events of the society along with Events Co-ordinator
  • Responsible for the risk assessments/bookings along with the Secretary
  • Sending written warnings for inactive committee members
  • Will aid in the Presidents role
  • Acting President when the President is unavailable
  • Help and assist with all roles
  • Work with Treasurer to help bring in funding
  • Create and maintain relationships with other societies and universities
  • Monitoring the finances of the society. The Treasurer must ensure that the account maintains a healthy balance
  • The Treasurer is accountable in respect to these finances to all members of the society and Pakistan Students Union
  • Reporting the society’s finances back to the committee
  • Providing a Treasurer’s Report at the AGM which outlines the spending over the year and state of society finances for the future year
  • Find sources of funding ie sponsorship
  • Responsible for all the reimbursements for the society and approvals.
  • Responsible for the communication with the SU in terms of the finances of the society
  • Communication with the vendors and suppliers for any requirements during the society events.
  • Support the President with all administration of the society
  • Acting as a liaison between the committee and the members
  • Sending out regular email correspondence to the members
  • Taking and publishing minutes of any meetings of the society, committee and/or AGMs into the Googledrive in 5 working days
  • Managing bookings and tech requirements with the President
  • Organising the AGM
  • In charge of recruitment within the committee when needed
  • Organising elections at the end of the year
  • Plan details of events, such as time, location, costs and any risk assessments needed
  • Set up equipment for events beforehand
  • Submit any forms associated with events
  • Get in touch with other societies for any collaborations
  • Communicate feedback from events to the committee with suggestions to improve
  • Responsible for all social media and PR of the society
  • Keep social media updated and active
  • Market events and socials effectively
  • Create posters and videos for events and socials hosted by the society
  • Grow the social media outlets
  • Responsible for all sports activity
  • In charge of recruiting students to play in such sports activities
  • Managing sports events